Schnaps cannot exactly be classed as a wine. In fact, in Germany the term refers to any type of strong alcoholic beverage or spirit. In America, ‘Schnapps’ relates more or less to any strong liquor, the priority being to inebriate rather than to taste and savour flavours. However, in the picturesque countryside of Austria, Schnaps means something quite different. Almost every household has a backyard of fruit trees, and a tradition of producing this amazing tasty fruit brandy still exists.
The process of producing the brandy involves mashing up the different fruits, and allowing them to ferment over a specific number of days. The degree of fermentation varies slightly from one producer to another. The result after distillation is a clear liquor, which has around a 65 percent alcohol content. Aromas and tastes vary from one producer to another depending on the fruits used in production. Other names for this Austrian brandy include eau-de-vie and edelbrande.
World famous producers now use the best fruits to make amazing variants of Schnaps. Fruity aromas create anticipation, and the strong punchy taste never disappoints. The high alcohol content certainly has an effect, but this only adds to the experience, Schnaps are a great after dinner favourite. Different brands offer different fruity tastes, and Schnaps is an excellent choice when celebrating with a group of friends. Besides the usual flavours including apple, pear, plum, and cherry, you can also experience more unusual variants including rowanberries and mispel.
If you have an exciting upcoming event on your calendar, consider a bottle of Schnaps for the occasion. The rich fruity aroma and high alcohol content gives you a warm, happy feeling; it’s the perfect drink to share with friends. Many varieties are available to purchase from our online inventory.
It is time for this brandy to receive the appreciation it deserves. Many consider Schnaps simply as a hard drink or spirit which quickly gets you intoxicated, but Schnaps should receive more recognition than this. WineStyle sources bottles from the best producers in Austria. Take a sip and savour the rich, fruity taste. You may not remember what happened after you passed out, but you won’t regret that first taste, or the warm, happy feeling in your stomach; it really is a unique sensation.
Schnaps is relatively inexpensive in comparison with wine and other beverages. However, some variants may be slightly more expensive. Talk with our support staff when selecting a bottle, they will be happy to assist you. Our knowledgeable experts can also offer further information on payment and delivery options. We also deliver to anywhere in the UK, delivery generally takes just 1-2 working days.